Bathroom Bubbles

bathroom-bubbles 1018The front bathroom has all kinds of issues. Besides it being dark, the walls are smeared in candle smoke from a cheap soy candle. Only a paint job will clean that up. I’ve tried EVERYTHING! The vanity, toilet and mirror are all a disaster. But until I can redo it properly I don’t want to put a dime into it.  And I suspect the shower is going to need some sort of redo as well. The tile in there now does not go with the Mid Century-ness of the house.  But that will leave for another time.

While I gather my nickles and dimes for the bathroom I try to decorate it in the best way possible.  I have three hanging bubble vases that I tried to keep plants, like succulents or air plants in.  I thought a bathroom’s damp conditions would be perfect for such plants but I forgot to take into account the lack of sunshine.  Eventually everything dies in there.  So I went a totally different route.

I decided to use gravel and glass and some of the kids toys to create these floating creations. They have made the small space a lot of fun.

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